From October 22, 2021 to November 30, 2021

Galerie Tanit, hors-les-murs, Starco Center, Beirut

Tamara Haddad, Earth #3, 2019 Oil, Acrylic, Clay, Sand, Tree Bark, Glue on Wood Panel 80 cm x 130 cm

“Today, through this new series, I come back to the origin of the Earth, I question its material, the way it’s formed, its reliefs and its colours. I search for the beauty of rocky landscapes, the infinity of hues and textures.”

Opening on Friday October 22, 2021
From 4:00 PM until 9:00 PM
at Galerie Tanit, hors-les-murs, Starco Center, Beirut

Earth, Soil, Rocks, Forests, Oceans… elements that surpass us with their immensity while encircling us, present and absent at the same time. Strong and fragile in the face of time and human expansion.

The Earth is threatened: a million species on the brink of extinction, destruction of marine and biome ecosystems, large scale deforestation, glaciers melting, ocean levels on the rise, wildfires, pollution, global warming… We have exhausted all of our resources.

Will we ever be able to go back and find balance with the earth?
Will she find it on her own?
A lot of questions, and definitely denial.


Tamara Haddad