From January 19, 2017 to March 18, 2017
Galerie Tanit, Munich, Germany
While reading the powerful, imaginative poems by Dylan Thomas, one senses shades of meaning behind the plain text. The tone colour and phonetic picture of his works generate a complex personal imagination, filtered be our own very individual lyric compass. Something simliar happens to the beholder of artworks by Charlotte Mumm, Bongchull Shin and Barbara Ullmann.
The intricacy of their objects, paintings and paperworks doesn’t entirely reveal itself at first sight. Light and shade, colour, space and body are being defined and built to unique imaginative concepts. Lines connect and construct, surfaces are being cut, space is divided and layered. Intense and powerful, dark and heavy parts alternate with delicate, light and transparent forms and surfaces.
more info to Bongchull Shin:
more info to Charlotte Mumm:
more info to Barbara Ullmann: