Growing up on the flower-farm of his parents, his childhood was full of colours and impressions of nature. The circle of life, the constant flow of change, of growth and transitoriness, of colour and light, that he experienced, deeply influenced his perception and his work.
For him, everything is connected.
And everything is constantly changing.
Bongchull Shin makes art a physical experience. His artworks bring nature and the effects of physics into exhibition spaces. As the name suggests, Bongchull Shin’s Cubes and Stripes series concerns cubic shapes and long slim glass stripes in which the artist’s focus on light, colour and shape is evident.
Glass, bright colours and either natural or artificial light and its resulting shadows and reflections are key elements of Bongchull Shins works. Depending on the perspective of the beholder, his cubes and stripes works can be intensely colourful or completely transparent. By concentrating on the medium of light and resulting colourful reflections, the artist alludes to his affinity with the artistic impressionism of early modernism.