From December 13, 2011 to January 28, 2012
Galerie Tanit, Mar Mikhael, Beirut, Lebanon
Entitled Interdépendances the artwork examines the Nahnou (We) and the Antoum (You) dilemma, the reciprocate approach with the Other, the perpetual dependency and the questioning of the unavoidable coexistence, finding a symbolic and three-dimensional expression in the sculptural pottery pieces.
“ In my last exhibition in 2008, I had several angular pieces that were an introduction to the work I presented today. By angular I mean construction blocks.
I stayed more or less attached to the eggplant, a symbol of unity in diversity.
Obviously the “Arab Spring” inspired me (testimony, questioning) .
There is always the letter “WAW ” in my work present as a link. .
This is why the building block h as two grooves on the side to fit into the next block. “
“ Most of my pieces are fired to stoneware temperature, a high temperature of 1280° C.
Some of them are fired at medium temperature so as to suggest the colour of bricks (building
I always use the Lebanese clay, with this time more slip glaze than glazes.”